Friday, May 29, 2009

Constant Reminder

Today i woke up early to work, really early. 5:30 am. i hate that the sun is coming up that early, as if the day couldnt wait to suck any longer? anyways, i get up and the first thing i do is lay on the floor of my bathroom and fall asleep as the shower is running. i wake up at 6 with the windows fogged and the room feeling 100 degrees hotter (random fact, i only take hot showers, even if its 100 degrees outside). so i shower, drive to work... its already hot outside from the sun being up so damn early. get to work, set up, sell some shit, print some stuff, mingle, bullshit, and go home. i have to go back today around 3 or 4 to strike a bunch of stuff. besides working, today was an easy day. i just dont like waking up so early to do nothing. or atleast thats what my job feels like. I was in best buy today and i hear a Billy Talent song that reminds me of my freshmen year, and how we used to pack up our parents car and ride over to our friend anthony's house and jam. this was way before we start "Elaborate Hoax" the cover days, nirvana, blink, etc. the shit you learn when you first pick up a guitar. Ive been watching a lot of short films, which have always been an interest of mine, before i got really into audio production i was into video production. id like to get back into it soon, but its so fucking expesive for pointless shit. ive been working with my Final Cut Studio Pro software, its pretty cool, im still better at adobe. ive been messing around with the rotoscoping and keying, its fun. I feel better about things now, i feel like after i sort my shit out, go in on monday and fix that bullshit... i'll be able to be free for once. i would like to meet someone who can bring me forward in life, that sounds pathetic, but true. someone simple, adult like, and easy to talk to.

I want to ride my bike, but this weekend seems like its going to be crazy. Today i have to go back to work and then go to my sisters rehearsal dinner for her wedding..... then tomorrow will be a mindfuck of wedding shit. *note - i used to work for a video production company that mainly shot and edited weddings, ive seen as much weddings as a fucking divorce court judge. another note, everything has been done already, nothing new original can come out of a wedding, its all pure bullshit. hopefully my sister is chill tomorrow, i guess i can understand why its stressful.. since you pay an arm and a leg for it and its your "special" day. anwyays, that will mostly take my WHOLE day up... then on sunday Hear The Sirens has to practice then drive to fucking watsonville to play.... i like the city but the venue we play at sucks (hope they dont read this)... then monday i get fucked. so riding my bike might have to be pushed back a week. its addicting, i wish there were more fun places to ride to. whatever... im ranting now. have a good day, im having an actually alright one.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Starting Over

the funny thing is, i'll never start over. im constantly trying to better myself. im the most pessimistic motherfucker ever. im so negative towards the future and drain myself from the past. ive looked in every wrong place there is to look. im not saying my life is terrible, im just so fucking tired of the same bullshit.. it gets old when people are like "i hate this fucking city, i hate these fucking people" because its not all that shit. its genuinely me. im the one that decided to do the things i did, and how i did them. i could of left a long time ago, but my own actions have left me to stay here. i dont like to say that im going to "start over" or start with a clean slate or any other metaphorical bullshit, im just simply saying that id like to look in a new direction, start hoping for the best, stop being so damn negative. of coarse im still going to be the
Daniel Motherfucking Correa most of you have grown to know, love, or hate... but this time around im looking to start helping myself more and others in a different way. ive always spent most of my time dedicated to one person, like my own child. now theres no point for any of that. after a week long stressed-mindfucked oriented dama collapse, ive figured there's no point in waiting anymore. its about time i just get up and do something, maybe something for myself for once. im huge on helping others but this time.. im just ready to be alright. i never thought id be here like this, but who knows shit changes constantly and the world never stops turning, theres always going to be for better or for worse, its just a matter of how you handle it and yourself. i'll most likely never be positive like some, or carry around the world's biggest smile, but i'll sure as hell be there for you when you need me the most and carry you on my back all the way to the top, just like my friends have done for me. ive been to hell and back... its just time for me to take a break and fucking relax. no matter what happens, happens, letss just say for once... things might just be ok. its a new day, do something impossible.